Afternoon friends. How are things hanging?
As for me I'm just taking it one day at a time. that's all you can do. As i'm sitting here sipping my coffee, the house is quiet and peaceful which I love because I helped create, were so busy trying to create joy and happiness on the outside but it needs to start on the inside which is your home. Home meaning your actual house and your vessel (you).
I'm sitting here listening to church online.. I had to find to a balance for me, I found it meditation, church and writing my blog. these are my personal contributions to myself ,my one on one with myself .
I have others such as family , friends , my significant other but sometimes you you have to find and soul search your inner you.
I personally believe in God but it goes deeper than that, It's more spiritually connection with the universe. some may get this, some won't. now I'm not one to preach go to church find god, all i'm saying is that I do follow the word but I read and study other religions such as Buddhism and kind of do a combination of a message and following that works for me. I just needed an foundation to build from.
Now that I've rambled on.. My thought of the moment is, We often take a chance and bet on others on what they should do, how they should treat you, and your expectations of them in your eyes, then when they don't meet them we go off the charts and wanna tell them where to go and how to get there. Learn to bet on you, quit creating self doubt and take a chance and gamble on you , go outside that box!!!
work on you instead of being in an audience that downs, and shame others because they are not doing or up to your standards. set expectations, goals and hold yourself accountable and remember failure does happens it is apart of life, learn from it and apply it to where it needs to be in your life, Lord knows I've failed at things but that made me more determined to conquer my task and goals.. Bet and Set folks...