Well Hello there,
How's er'body hanging? As for me I'm great, I've accomplished absolutely nothing because I lost track of time... then realized WTH, I haven't really wrote today. Well lucky for you there is always something going on, where there isn't anything going on.
I try to share my experiences and hopeful it can help my readers, I'm not a therapist, doctor, expert!!! Never claim to be, I just know from experience.. which brings me to this...
Have you ever gotten advice from someone and they totally wanted to just take over the situation you confessed to them and though waving of a magical wand would help.... There's no such thing. If it was, I would've waved it years ago.. I can respect someone's opinion and advice but , what I cant stand is someone who doesn't have their own shit together tell me about mines..
Well take it or leave it here's my thoughts .
Ready set read below👇👇👇👇👇👇
When we’re given good advice and it moves us to take good actions—we’ll get good results. When we’re given bad advice, sometimes that will lead us to take bad actions (and get bad results that we can learn from), and sometimes it will stop us from moving at all.
When sorting through advice for the good vs. the bad, you should always remember that advice is only as good as the actions it inspires you to take. It’s better to have taken a bad action (with good intention) that you can learn from (and keep moving forward with) than to not have taken any action at all. And at the other end, really great advice that you do nothing about is just as good as no advice at all—action is always the difference maker.
For the most part, you’ll have to use your judgement to figure out which advice seems good for you and which seems bad, but I think we both can agree that there is a ton of lame advice out in our culture today. Advice that is sugar-coated and shallow that may seem good, but can be misleading and can set you back.